Supercharge your application with AI

Easily synchronize your application and vector databases. No CDC, SQS or pipelines needed.

Build faster

Everything you need to add AI to your application

Embedding Sync is a managed service that synchronizes your application and vector databases. We automatically generate embeddings for your data, so you can add AI features to your application without any data pipelines.

Sync your data
Keep your Pinecone embeddings up-to-date with your application's Postgres data.
Embeddings as a service
Automatically generate embeddings for the selected columns in your database. We use SentenceTransformers all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model for high quality, low-cost embeddings - and support OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002. More models coming soon!
Hands off
No need to worry about data pipelines, data cleaning, or data storage. We've got you covered.
Explore your embeddings with our interactive playground.

How It Works


Connect your databases

Connect your application database and vector store. We support Postgres and Pinecone (more coming!).


Sync your data

Choose the table and columns to be synchronized with your vector database. Sync happens in real-time.



Connect to your Vector Store and add AI features into your application using tools like LangChain, without any data pipelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pricing Plans

Start building for free, then add a site plan to go live. Account plans unlock additional features.

Free Tier


Supports up to 10k row syncs using HuggingFace's MiniLM-L6 model.



For side-projects, prototypes, and experiments. Supports up to 100k row syncs using HuggingFace's MiniLM-L6 model or OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002.

Small Business


For business use cases. Supports up to 1M embedding syncs and 100k updates per month - using HuggingFace's MiniLM-L6 mode, OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002, and custom models on request.


Custom Plan

All features of Small Business plus a custom Support contract.

Ready to Supercharge Your App?

Integrate AI-driven vector databases into your applications easily.
No CDC, SQS or pipelines needed.